Sparse Attention
Sparse Attention introduces sparse factorizations on the attention matrix. To implement this we introduce a connectivity pattern $S = {S_1,\dots,S_n}$. Here, $S_i$ denotes the set of indices of the input vectors to which the $i$th output vector attends. For instance, in regular $n^2$ attention every input vector attends to every output vector before it in the sequence. Remember that $d_k$ is the inner dimension of our queries and keys. Sparse Attention is given as follows
\begin{equation*} \text{attention}(Q,K,V, S_i) = \text{softmax}\Big( \frac{(Q_{S_i}) K^T_{S_i}}{\sqrt{d_k}} \Big) V_{S_i}. \end{equation*}
Here, we have defined
$$ Q_{S_i} = (W_q x_j), K_{S_i} = (W_k x_j), V_{S_i} = (W_v x_j) \text{ for } j \in S_i $$
So how do we define the set of connectivity patterns $S$? Formally, we let $S_i = A_i^{h}$ for head $h$ where $A_i^{h} \subset {j : j \leq i}$. It is still no clearer how we pick which indices we should take for a given $S_i$. The original authors consider two key criteria initially:
Criteria 1 We should pick $|A_i^h| \propto n^{1/H}$ where $H$ is our total number of heads. This choice is efficient as it ensures the size of the connectivity set scales well with $H$.
Criteria 2 All input positions are connected to output positions across $p$ steps of attention. For instance, for a pair $j \leq i$ we would like $i$ to be able to attend to $j$ through a path of locations with maximum length $p+1$. This helps us propagate signals from input to output in a constant number of steps.
We now investigate two different approaches that satisfy this criteria, and allow us to implement sparse attention.
Strided Attention.
We will define a factorized attention pattern in two heads. One head will attend to the previous $l$ locations, while the other head will attend to every $l$th location. We call $l$ the stride and it is chosen to be close to $\sqrt{n}$.
\begin{align} A_i^{(1)} &= {y,y+1,\dots,i} \text{ for } t = \max(0,i-l), \\ A_i^{(2)} &= {j: (i-j)\mod l \equiv 0}. \end{align}
Here, $A_i^{(1)}$ simply takes the previous $l$ locations. $A_i^{(2)}$ then takes every $l$th head from the first head where $i-j$ was divisible by $l$ without remainder. This is particularly useful where you can align the structure of your input with the stride. For instance, with a piece of music. Where our input does not have a well defined structured, we use something different. In the image below, you can see $A_i^{(1)}$ responsible for the dark blue shading and $A_i^{(2)}$ responsible for the light blue.
Fixed Attention.
Our goal with this approach is to allow specific cells to summarize the previous locations, and to propagate this information on to future cells.
$$ A^{(1)}_i = { j : \text{floor}(\frac{j}{l}) = \text{floor}( \frac{i}{l}) }, $$ $$ A^{(2)}_i = { j : j \mod l \in { t, t + 1, \dots, l } }, \text{ where } t = l - c \text{ and } c \text{ is a hyperparameter.} $$
These are best understood visually in my opinion. In the image below, $A_i^{(1)}$ is responsible for the dark blue shading and $A_i^{(2)}$ for the light blue shading. If we take stride, $l$ = 128 and $c=8$, then all positions greater than 128 can attend to positions $120-128$. The authors find choosing $c \in {8,16,32}$ worked well.